
Showing posts from June, 2013


My life, isn't as happy as you think it is. And i'm not as happy as you think i am. Most of the people think, being me, is a really nice thing because they think my family is rich, happy, peaceful, and most of them think, i'm always happy. But the truth is, i'm not. For the past few years, I've always loved to make people happy. When i was younger, someone told my mom i hated my whole family, and i hated her, and my mom was really sad, so she took me to the orphanage. I begged and begged her not to put me here. Thats what i remembered. So she took me to my aunt's kindergarten. I sat there for a full of three exact days. And i kept thinking. Who would do this to me and why. And long after, i found out. But because i didn't want to hurt her feelings, i didn't mention this up, and i didn't blame her for anything. I just kept it to myself until now. And at that moment, i was in year 2. I was eight years young. And my dad was in the hospital for an operat